Info for First-Timers2024-07-18T22:42:15+00:00

FAQ for First-Timers

We understand that coming in for your first acupuncture session might bring some nerves along with excitement. It’s completely normal! To help put your mind at ease, here’s a list of common questions we often hear from first-timers, just like you:

Wait, There Are Needles?!! Does it Hurt?2024-07-08T21:31:57+00:00

Not really. Most of our patients find the experience very relaxing and are able to fall asleep soon after the insertion of the needles. We use sterile, single use, disposable needles. These needles are very different from those used by your western medical practitioner when you get an injection. They are very fine and have a hair-like appearance. After the initial poke most people describe the feeling as heavy, tingly, electric or nothing at all.

Isn’t Acupuncture Some Superstitious Magic Medicine?2024-07-08T21:31:57+00:00

Nope. It’s not magic, though it seems like it is to a lot of our patients! Acupuncture is a time tested medicine that has been around for thousands of years. At one point, not that long ago it was the main and only medicine available in Asia. It works whether you believe in it or not.

What do I need to know for my first visit?2024-07-08T21:31:57+00:00

Please visit our first-timers page.

What Does The Treatment Room Look Like?2024-07-08T21:31:57+00:00

It’s quiet and comfy. Our clinic is a large open space with clusters of comfy recliner chairs. White noise, music and soft lighting are used as a backdrop to promote relaxation. In whispers we ask a few questions about what you are experiencing. We use points primarily on your arms, hands, legs, feet and scalp. We offer you a blanket while you rest.

How Long Is An Appointment?2024-07-08T21:31:57+00:00

It can vary. At the first appointment we will probably chat a little longer, The usual treatment lasts about 45 minutes, but some people stay an hour or so. If you have somewhere to be please let the acupuncturist know what time to wake you up. Needles can be left in for as little as 20 minutes and you will still get good results. After treatment most people feel refreshed and energized. Other people don’t feel anything until the next day. There is no right or wrong experience with your own healing.

What Can Acupuncture Treat?2024-07-08T21:31:57+00:00
  • Chronic pain
  • Acute pain
  • Stress/Anxiety
  • Musculoskeletal disorders
  • Arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Women’s health
  • Fertility
  • Diabetes
  • Headache & migraines
  • Post-stroke syndromes
  • Insomnia & depression
  • Hypertension
  • Digestive disorders
  • Cancer management
  • Allergies & asthma
  • Colds & influenza
  • Immune system disorders
  • Smoking cessation
  • Other Addictions and more – ask us!
What Does It Cost?2024-07-08T21:31:57+00:00

This is our favorite part. Treatments are based on a sliding scale that is affordable to you. There is an initial, one-time paperwork fee of $10 for first time visits. You decide what you feel comfortable paying. We don’t take insurance, but can offer you receipts. We accept cash, checks or credit. Gift certificates are available! Have a look at our pricing page to see current pricing and services.

Do You Prescribe Herbs?2024-07-08T21:31:57+00:00

Yes! Herbal medicine is an intrinsic part of Oriental Medicine. For some conditions, herbal formulas are a very important part of your treatment. We mostly prescribe patent (pre-made) herbal formulas that have been quality tested for safety.

How long is an appointment?2024-07-08T21:31:57+00:00

It can vary. At the first appointment we will probably chat a little longer, the usual treatment lasts about 45 minutes, but some people stay an hour or so. If you have somewhere to be please let the acupuncturist know what time to wake you up. Needles can be left in for as little as 20 minutes and you will still get good results. After treatment most people feel refreshed and energized. Other people don’t feel anything until the next day. There is no right or wrong experience with your own healing.

Do I have to make an appointment?2024-07-08T21:31:57+00:00

Because we have appointments available every 10 minutes we are often able to fit you in. Community acupuncture works best when we work as a community and it’ helps us at Stuck out if we know what to expect. If you want to try to come in the same day check our online schedule and book or give a quick call or text to see if we can fit you in.

Do I need to fill out an intake form?2024-07-08T21:31:57+00:00

After you make your first appointment our Front Office Manager will send a secure link for your intake to the email address you provided to our scheduling system. Just make sure you hit “SUBMIT” and our staff will have all the info we need. Not good with computers? No problem, we have intakes for you to fill out in the office. Just be sure to show up at least 15 minutes before your appointment so you have time to fill it out.

Where do I put my stuff?2024-07-08T21:31:57+00:00

Bring all your stuff with you you to your treatment room, we have bins for you to store it next to your recliner during your treatment. Please keep your shoes on until you are sitting in the recliner.

Can I eat or drink before my treatment?2024-07-08T21:31:57+00:00

It’s best not to have either an empty or an overly full stomach before a treatment. Currently we are not allowing food or drinks in the facility due to COVID. Always stay hydrated, but you may want to use the restroom before the needles go in.

Should I bring anything?2024-07-08T21:31:57+00:00

More often than not Community Acupuncture involves groups of people napping. As a result we are a pretty “snore friendly” environment. We have ear plugs for those who need it, but many people chose to bring their own music and headphones to listen to during their treatment. We have blankets, but if you prefer to bring your own you are welcome to do so.

Can you treat low back and hip pain in the recliners?2024-07-08T21:26:48+00:00

YES! This is actually one of the conditions we treat most frequently (and successfully!) Our acupuncturists are trained in distal and meridian acupuncture. Acupuncture works by using your nervous system to communicate with your brain and tell your brain to relax muscles, relieve pain, etc.. This allows us to provide you with treatment for conditions without ever having to stick a pin directly into the area of concern.

Why are we still masking? Isn’t COVID over?2024-07-08T21:26:32+00:00

I know we’re all over it, but COVID is still around and continuing to be a leading cause of death and disability in our community. Our acupuncturist continues to see a good deal of long COVID and is very up to date on the long-term impacts the disease has on the body. Masking is not perfect, but it’s an effective form of harm reduction that helps our clinic stay accessible to individuals who are elders, immunocompromised, going through chemo or simply at-risk. We also have staff who fall into these categories and want our clinic to be a safe place to both work and seek care without the added risk.

How Our Sliding Scale Acupuncture Pricing Works

At Stuck Community Acupuncture, the cost for every treatment is based on a sliding scale. You decide what you feel comfortable paying. Our sliding scale in different than you might be used to…

Everyone qualifies. Everyone. Really.

We require no income verification. You pay what works for youevery time.

Our goal is to separate the issue of money from healthcare. We understand that your financial status changes from day to day due to a variety of life circumstances and we don’t want that to stand in the way of you getting the care you need. Come in and feel better!

Get a Treatment

Join us for a treatment or massage, and embrace the collective power of healing. Our clinic thrives on the “Qi Effect” — a unique atmosphere where group healing amplifies individual wellness.

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