How Our Sliding Scale Acupuncture Pricing Works.
At Stuck Community Acupuncture, the cost for every treatment is based on a sliding scale. You decide what you feel comfortable paying.
Community Acupuncture/Herb Clinic: $30 – $50 Sliding Scale
Phone & Video Consultations: $20 – $40 Sliding Scale
Private Treatments: $50 – $80 Sliding Scale
Herbs & Treatment Tools: Prices as marked with curbside pickup available.
Our sliding scale in different than you might be used to:
- Everyone qualifies. Everyone. Really.
- We require no income verification.
- You pay what works for you – every time.
Our goal is to separate the issue of money from healthcare. We understand that your financial status changes from day to day due to a variety of life circumstances and we don’t want that to stand in the way of you getting the care you need. Come in and feel better!
If you want to help please volunteer or just tell your friends about us! The more people who get acupuncture the better!