Our staff

Dr. Nox Chetcuti

Executive Director/Licensed Acupuncturist


Dr. Nox Chetcuti, DAc, MEd, LAc, Dipl.Acu, has graduate degrees from Northern Arizona University and the Phoenix Institute of Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture with a Doctoral Degree inAcupuncture that focuses on integrative medicine. They are a Licensed Acupuncturist in the state of Arizona and an NCCAOM Diplomate in Acupuncture. Nox is extensively trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Master Tung, Acu-Detox and Trigger Point (Dry Needling) styles of acupuncture as well as patent Chinese herbal formulas, nutritional supplements, and homeopathic remedies. Nox is educated as a general practitioner who also specializes in respiratory issues, chronic pain, PTSD, pregnancy, and postpartum care.

Nox founded Stuck after their first hand experience with lack of access to integrative healthcare options and trauma-informed medical care. Creating access pathways to affordable integrative treatments for the individuals who need it the most was their drive behind starting the clinic. They founded Stuck in 2015 and as of 2024 have provided nearly 50,000 accessible treatments to the community of Northern Arizona.

Michaela Jeantete


Admin Assistant

Michaela Jeantete was born and raised in Taos, New Mexico where cultural roots run deep and the local cuisine is spicy. Dreams of writing took her to Sarah Lawrence College where she graduated with a BA in Liberal Arts. Before landing in Sedona after much travel, Michaela was introduced to the wondrous modality of Homeopathy; to which she is currently studying through Homeopathy School International based in Boulder and is working toward becoming a CCH (Certified Classical Homeopath).

Michaela is thrilled to join Stuck as Administrative Assistant as their mission aligns with her own aspirations to one day be a practitioner of accessible and affordable medicine. She looks forward to being involved in the daily operations of the clinic and to witness the positive impact the Stuck community model brings to those in this community and beyond. When she’s not studying or greeting patients at the front desk,

Michaela enjoys decompressing at the gym and in nature, traveling, indulging in regional tacos, catching live music shows and spending time with family. She is excited to explore Flagstaff, its outdoor beauty and to forge lasting connections with new friends and new ideas.

Kvann Smith


Licensed Massage Therapist

Ya’ateeh’ shi ei Karen Smith yiniishye’; Toodiichiinii nishlii; Tootsohnii daa shi chei, dii ghii ateegoo azsdgaanii nishliii. (All is well and good, her name is Kvann Smith. Her maternal clan is Bitterwater and her maternal grandfathers are Bigwater clans, this is the woman she is.)

Kvann Smith is honored to join the Stuck Community as a massage therapist in a substitute position. After a 25-year career in Kinlanii and Coconino County, she retired in January 2018 and decided to therapeutically and spiritually “return to her body, mind, and spirit” by attending massage school. It was just the medicine she needed in every way imaginable. She graduated as a licensed massage therapist from ASIS in downtown Kinlanii in October 2018.

Kvann studied many different healing massage modalities, with Swedish Massage as the basis of her studies. Her private practice is called “Maa’saanii bilaah’” (Grandmother’s hands). That is the touch and energies she calls forth and upon, along with the sacred Mother Earth, the infinite Universe, and the ancient yet still living and breathing sacred prayers of the Ancestors, every time she is asked to place her hands on any body. She considers herself a vessel and tool of these precious life-sustaining forces.

Kvann is an avid hiker of these sacred lands with her dog, Buddy Redbow. She loves retirement and finds pure delight in reading various kinds of books and drinking local coffee. Kvann comes to the Stuck Community with an open mind, honestly willing to learn from her relatives and share positive moments to exchange healing energies. Aho’ doo Axhe’he

Brittney Moore


Mobile AcuDetox Program Manager/Auricular Acupuncture Tech

Brittney is our Flagstaff-based Mobile AcuDetox Program Manager an Auricular Acupunture Specialist, coming to us with 20+ years experience in social work, mental health case management and therapeutic group facilitation. Brittney studied psychology with an emphasis in chemical dependency at Mohave Community College. Brittney is also a certified group facilitator in evidence-based practice, including DBT, LGBTQ+ support, Co-Occurring-Seeking Safety, and the Matrix model. Brittney is passionate about quality care and equal opportunity access to mental health and substance use treatment. Brittney is an advocate for alternative, harm-reduction treatment to build people up with dignity, compassion, and connection. Brittney is most excited to join the Stuck team to enhance social justice, and reach our community populations through natural, trauma-informed care while aligning with her own authenticity.

When Brittney isn’t working, you can find her spending time with her family, friends, connecting with music, art, community, and arranging flowers.

Ophelia Watahomigie-Corliss

Auricular Acupuncture Technician (Havasupai)

Ophelia Watahomigie-Corliss is a Northern Arizona Native and a member of The Havasupai Tribe; A graduate from Coconino Community College, and Northern Arizona University. A fierce advocate for righting wrong information or lack thereof regarding the Havasupai Tribe she has worked on the Ethnography Gallery at The Museum of Northern Arizona. Written articles about changing the name of ‘Indian Gardens’ within the National Park to ‘Havasupai Gardens’, Ha’a Gyoh. Written about the devastation and advocated against Uranium mining at Pinyon Plane Mine (formerly Canyon Mine) which has just started mining ore for transportation this year (2024). And is working on building new infrastructure to the Havasupai Reservation that will bring fiber to the most isolated Native American Tribe in the lower 48 states. “Keep up with the good fight my friends, because no one is going to do it for you, and you have a responsibility to do it for our future generations, one inch gained in this lifetime is one less inch our children will have to gain” Ophelia is excited to be offering the 5-Needle acupuncture protocol to on the Havasupai Reservation.

Agate Gamble

Auricular Acupuncture Technician (Flagstaff) 


Agate joins the Stuck team with a background in social work and teaching. They have spent most of their life in Montana and Wyoming, recently becoming an eager transplant of Flagstaff. They get really excited about storytelling, dancing, community care, and watching dogs make new dog friends. Agate is excited to provide accessible Auricular Acupuncture at Stuck to support individual and collective well-being.  

Get a Treatment

Join us for a treatment or massage, and embrace the collective power of healing. Our clinic thrives on the “Qi Effect” — a unique atmosphere where group healing amplifies individual wellness.