Our Community Partners and Programs

Stuck doesn’t provide all the services we offer alone. We have community partners and grants that help us reach all the people who need us. Whether it’s providing a space for our Mobile AcuDetox Program or sending patients to our 4th street clinic through the PINS program, our partners make the work we do possible.

With Over 40,000 Treatments and 10 years of service, We’ve Established Ourselves As A trusted And Reliable Source Of Acupuncture, massage, integrated healthcare In northern arizona.

WHat we stand for

Stuck believes that healthcare is a right and everyone in our community deserves access to choices in their care. It’s because of this belief that we are committed to providing affordable access to practitioners who are highly trained, trauma-informed, gender affirming and dedicated to providing access to care.


Nonprofit Partnerships

We highly value our relationships with nonprofit organizations and are dedicated to supporting your mission. By becoming a nonprofit community partner, you can benefit from a variety of resources and support services tailored to your needs.

For-Profit Community Partner

We offer tailored group services to for-profit organizations, enabling businesses to enhance employee wellness and engagement through our specialized programs. Partner with us to provide unique wellness experiences for your team.